Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Where have we been????
Good heck it's hard to find time to get on the computer when you don't have the Internet at home. But now I have it available in house so hopefully I will be able to keep up on this now.. (I will at least try) We have had an...INTERESTING month.
On March 6th Daxten turned 2. I can't believe he is that big. It seems like he was just born and now he's big enough to fight with Kyler, Ride bikes, and carry on conversations.... Now we just need to get him potty trained.
Kyler turned 5 on March 15th. That really makes me feel old! he is going to play Spring soccer in the city league and will go to Kindergarten this Fall. He is such a smart little boy I can't tell him things in hopes that he will get side tracked and forget about them later. He remember EVERYTHING!! It's a good thing he got his dads Smarts and mom looks!
On Saturday the 14th we got up Extra early and headed to Tooele valley to watch Justin Launch the rocket him and different people are building for their Senior project. we had to be out to the middle of now where by 8:30am. I thought we would go launch and then leave but it took them til Noon to get everything set up and then 3 launches and it finally flew about 230pm. Kyler was so excited to watch daddy's rocket. they also had a bunch of smaller rockets that different groups were launching so it kept the kids entertained while we waited for dads to fly. Justin had been building the motor for his part of the Rocket. They are supposed to launch the rocket and get it as close to 1mile up as they can and land it with out breaking it. I can't remember how close they were to 1 mile but it was just a few feet over a mile. The team that's building the rocket flies out to Alabama for a competition with other schools. and the school that is supposed to be the best were 600 feet off of a mile. :) that's good news for the USU team. I wish Justin and all the other good luck out in Alabama!
After we got done with the rocket we went and seen Uncle Cody and aunt Rachelle ( my boys adore these 2) They gave the kids birthday presents and then we all went to Chucky Cheese for a birthday lunch. Kyler had a ball playing the games and Daxten loved to ride the Monster Truck.
I was going to burn my house down last week. It was awful! 1st i clogged my drain (on accident). we thought the drain was cleared but the clog just moved down the pipes and clogged the washer drain, so I stuck a snake down the pipes to see if i could get it cleared out and pulled mud out of my drain. PIPES BROKE! so i called the plumber he came by and when we looked in the trap door to go under the house 2feet of water! the outside water like had broken! so I had to vacuum as much water as I could out, we had to fix that broken pipe ourselves (save a little $$) then we had to let the door sit open for a few days to dry out so the plumber could get under the house to fix the original broken pipe. In the middle of this all happening one day my Water heater decided to DIE! so i could do Laundry (clogged drain) couldn't do dishes (broken pipe) and we could take a hot shower/or bath ( Water heater died) :( with all my hormones out of control I think I called my dad everyday having a melt down! I was so glad my parents live close enough I was able to wash a few loads of laundry so we could have clean underwear and a good hot shower for my self and a tubby for the boys! I don't know what we would have done if we didn't have family living close by! We survived this awful week and now I am caught up on dishes and laundry and haven't had a melt down in a few days! :)
On a happier less Melt down note we got a new camping trailer! it's 2001 but the people that we bought it from were an older couple so it's really in Great condition. and anything is better then the 1980 WELL USED trailer we used last year! I'm so excited to take it camping this year. Kyler was even more excited about it then me and Justin. I think if I would have had this trailer last week I'm afraid I may have really burned my house down! :)
On March 6th Daxten turned 2. I can't believe he is that big. It seems like he was just born and now he's big enough to fight with Kyler, Ride bikes, and carry on conversations.... Now we just need to get him potty trained.
Kyler turned 5 on March 15th. That really makes me feel old! he is going to play Spring soccer in the city league and will go to Kindergarten this Fall. He is such a smart little boy I can't tell him things in hopes that he will get side tracked and forget about them later. He remember EVERYTHING!! It's a good thing he got his dads Smarts and mom looks!
On Saturday the 14th we got up Extra early and headed to Tooele valley to watch Justin Launch the rocket him and different people are building for their Senior project. we had to be out to the middle of now where by 8:30am. I thought we would go launch and then leave but it took them til Noon to get everything set up and then 3 launches and it finally flew about 230pm. Kyler was so excited to watch daddy's rocket. they also had a bunch of smaller rockets that different groups were launching so it kept the kids entertained while we waited for dads to fly. Justin had been building the motor for his part of the Rocket. They are supposed to launch the rocket and get it as close to 1mile up as they can and land it with out breaking it. I can't remember how close they were to 1 mile but it was just a few feet over a mile. The team that's building the rocket flies out to Alabama for a competition with other schools. and the school that is supposed to be the best were 600 feet off of a mile. :) that's good news for the USU team. I wish Justin and all the other good luck out in Alabama!
After we got done with the rocket we went and seen Uncle Cody and aunt Rachelle ( my boys adore these 2) They gave the kids birthday presents and then we all went to Chucky Cheese for a birthday lunch. Kyler had a ball playing the games and Daxten loved to ride the Monster Truck.
I was going to burn my house down last week. It was awful! 1st i clogged my drain (on accident). we thought the drain was cleared but the clog just moved down the pipes and clogged the washer drain, so I stuck a snake down the pipes to see if i could get it cleared out and pulled mud out of my drain. PIPES BROKE! so i called the plumber he came by and when we looked in the trap door to go under the house 2feet of water! the outside water like had broken! so I had to vacuum as much water as I could out, we had to fix that broken pipe ourselves (save a little $$) then we had to let the door sit open for a few days to dry out so the plumber could get under the house to fix the original broken pipe. In the middle of this all happening one day my Water heater decided to DIE! so i could do Laundry (clogged drain) couldn't do dishes (broken pipe) and we could take a hot shower/or bath ( Water heater died) :( with all my hormones out of control I think I called my dad everyday having a melt down! I was so glad my parents live close enough I was able to wash a few loads of laundry so we could have clean underwear and a good hot shower for my self and a tubby for the boys! I don't know what we would have done if we didn't have family living close by! We survived this awful week and now I am caught up on dishes and laundry and haven't had a melt down in a few days! :)
On a happier less Melt down note we got a new camping trailer! it's 2001 but the people that we bought it from were an older couple so it's really in Great condition. and anything is better then the 1980 WELL USED trailer we used last year! I'm so excited to take it camping this year. Kyler was even more excited about it then me and Justin. I think if I would have had this trailer last week I'm afraid I may have really burned my house down! :)
Saturday, February 14, 2009
I don't know what the heck is going on with my family but for some reason it's our time to have a few hurdles in our lives. On Jan 22nd Tavish and Shawn were in a roll over totaled tavish's truck, but both walked away ok. on Thursday afternoon Mom and Dad were in the car pileup down in beaver. It could have been worse, Dad walked away without any serious injuries. Mom was stuck in the car for about 1hr before EMT's could extricate her, then they transported her to beaver hospital. she spent the night and was released late friday. She is doing OK it definately could have been worse. I hated being home while she was so far away in the hospital, but the roads were not good for driving so we all stayed home. Thankfully Grandma and Grandpa were in St. George so they were able to go to the Hospital. When they get home if they have pictures with them I will try and post some.
PLEASE EVERYONE BUCKLE UP! in both accidents it could have been alot worse but they were all buckled up. Thank you to those Angels watching over my family!
PLEASE EVERYONE BUCKLE UP! in both accidents it could have been alot worse but they were all buckled up. Thank you to those Angels watching over my family!
Sunday, February 8, 2009
Along with my blog being fabulous I get to name 5 things that I'm addicted to. Thanks to a TAG by Britt
2- My KIDS
3- PRISON BREAK (thanks to Cody and Rachelle we just started season 3)
4- Work (Because it gives me time away from my kids and to regain my sanity)
5- TWILIGHT ( I hate to read but I could keep reading this over and over)
2- My KIDS
3- PRISON BREAK (thanks to Cody and Rachelle we just started season 3)
4- Work (Because it gives me time away from my kids and to regain my sanity)
5- TWILIGHT ( I hate to read but I could keep reading this over and over)
I haven't blogged in a while. usually I write while I'm work and I've been pretty busy while I'm at work getting ready to move into the "NEW" Hospital. Except Today because I'm at work and Not all that busy. If you missed the tours of the new Hospital this weekend you will have to come stop by next week adn see it after we Officially open. it is so different then the Hospital we have now and for all of us that work here it's going to be a BIG adjustment. It's good for the community but it's sad for the friendships we have because we won't see EVERYBODY all the time anymore. IT will be a "BITTER SWEET" change.
Our lives have been pretty much routine for the last month. A few weeks ago we bought some used Paddle Tires for Kyler. After we bought them I told Kyler he can't use the tires until all the snow is melted and now EVERY DAY he asks if the snow has melted enough so he can go to the sand dunes with his new tires. He has found a new xtreme sport that facinates him. SNOWBOARDING.... he was watching the X-games with dad adn told me that he needs a snowboard. He is such a pansy most of the time but when it come to extreme sporta he is GAME! Daxten is getting so big I can't believe he will be 2 next month, him and Jager are both in the terrible 2's. It's funny because I don't know any better then a Boy in his terrible 2's and Shar is experiencing it for the first time and it's so funny to listen to her talk about raising a boy!
After Christmas I bought DDR (dance Dance Revolution) for the playstation. Kyler loves to Play it, and with his little short legs it's hilarious to watch him try to play. Ever since I bought it I've been begging Justin to Play but he is too "MANLY" :) to play a dance game. Well this last weekend Cody and Rachelle came up and we went to dinner with thema nd KArli and Jesse afterwards we went back to our house and played DDR Cody and Justin wouldn't play at 1st but Jesse would, and after they watched us have fun Justin finally gave in and Played. After he kept beating Jesse his competetive side kicked in and he was all about the dancing game! We finally talked Cody into trying and after losing to Justin just a few times his competetive side kicked in and he "Quit" with a comment like "THIS IS STUPID"!! :) I can't even tell you how much we laughed that night, we laughed while watching the boys play because they ARE NOT light on their feet at all and they about stomped a hole in my floor, we laughed when Cody QUIT because he is not a good LOOSER :) and Rachelle laughed at me and Karli causse she says we play the game funny. I have pictures but I've been threatened if they ever make it to the internet.
We are still counting down the days until garduation, I think we have about 83 Days left. WOOHOO!!!! I really want to get Justin a suprise that is FUN,Nice, and somehting he will use for a graduation gift but I have no Idea WHAT. So if you have any suggestions PLEASE HELP!!!
Hopefully everyone is getting along OK and surviving life!
Our lives have been pretty much routine for the last month. A few weeks ago we bought some used Paddle Tires for Kyler. After we bought them I told Kyler he can't use the tires until all the snow is melted and now EVERY DAY he asks if the snow has melted enough so he can go to the sand dunes with his new tires. He has found a new xtreme sport that facinates him. SNOWBOARDING.... he was watching the X-games with dad adn told me that he needs a snowboard. He is such a pansy most of the time but when it come to extreme sporta he is GAME! Daxten is getting so big I can't believe he will be 2 next month, him and Jager are both in the terrible 2's. It's funny because I don't know any better then a Boy in his terrible 2's and Shar is experiencing it for the first time and it's so funny to listen to her talk about raising a boy!
After Christmas I bought DDR (dance Dance Revolution) for the playstation. Kyler loves to Play it, and with his little short legs it's hilarious to watch him try to play. Ever since I bought it I've been begging Justin to Play but he is too "MANLY" :) to play a dance game. Well this last weekend Cody and Rachelle came up and we went to dinner with thema nd KArli and Jesse afterwards we went back to our house and played DDR Cody and Justin wouldn't play at 1st but Jesse would, and after they watched us have fun Justin finally gave in and Played. After he kept beating Jesse his competetive side kicked in and he was all about the dancing game! We finally talked Cody into trying and after losing to Justin just a few times his competetive side kicked in and he "Quit" with a comment like "THIS IS STUPID"!! :) I can't even tell you how much we laughed that night, we laughed while watching the boys play because they ARE NOT light on their feet at all and they about stomped a hole in my floor, we laughed when Cody QUIT because he is not a good LOOSER :) and Rachelle laughed at me and Karli causse she says we play the game funny. I have pictures but I've been threatened if they ever make it to the internet.
We are still counting down the days until garduation, I think we have about 83 Days left. WOOHOO!!!! I really want to get Justin a suprise that is FUN,Nice, and somehting he will use for a graduation gift but I have no Idea WHAT. So if you have any suggestions PLEASE HELP!!!
Hopefully everyone is getting along OK and surviving life!
Saturday, January 10, 2009
I decided that it was time for a change. So..... I cut all my curly locks off!!THANKS RUTH! I LOVE IT!!!! I wish I had a before picture, so you could see the difference! I absolutely LOVE IT! this picture was taken at work so it's not very cute, but it will do. I didn't have time to color it but next wednesday we are going to put color in it!

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